Literary Gifts Galore! | Spotlight

11:30 AM Ally M.G. 0 Comments

The best part of the literary community is the abundance of cute accessories available to express your inner bookworm in public. Sometimes subtle and sometimes BAM in your face!

The are pins, shirts, backlogs, tote bags, and a million other things to wear or carry around! I always have to try very hard to not make crazy impulsive purchases for all these things, because some of them are so wonderful. I need all these bookish things in my life. It is my calling. Who needs shoes when you have books and bookish stuff!

Literary Book Gifts is a new little online store that has popped up in this community. And they have the cutest design! They’ve gotten a bunch of literary classics like Peter Pan, Moby Dick and Sherlock Holmes and put them in really cute (and useful items). I need to remind myself that I do not need more bookish tote bags since I already have more than ten...

My personal favorites are the Hound of the Baskervilles tote bag and the Peter Pan shirt.

The shirts run from small to extra-large (3XL-5XL) and a variety of of colors to chose from. Sometimes I don’t get certain shirts because it is a cool color — because I know warm colors suit me best. So if I love the design of a shirt I just have to muse over which color shirt I should get.

Literary Book Gifts has been kind enough to give all you lovely readers a special 20% discount so you can indulge in all your literary needs. (PROMOCODE:  SIMPLYALLYTEA20)

It is good for anything in the store, no minimum purchase required! It's important to support small business owners, but it is more important to support small business owners who sell bookish gear!

Check it all out at:

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