YA in the Miami Book Fair

3:46 PM Ally M.G. 0 Comments

I will be attending the annual Miami Book Fair November 19 & 20th! Super excited because there will be a bunch of Young Adult authors attending and a few with books I have already read*. There are also some authors whose books are on my current To Be Read list and I do not know if I should purchase the books in order to get them signed or not. Especially when I do not own them...it is quite a predicament...

If you are attending as well, let me know and maybe we can meet up and chat for a bit!

YA Authors Attending

Sara Shepard:  The Amateurs: Book1
Ryan Graudin: Blood for Blood
*Leigh Bardugo: Crooked Kingdom: A Sequel to Six of Crows
*William Ritter: Ghostly Echoes: A Jackaby Novel
*Alexandra Bracken: Passenger
Nicola Yoon: The Sun is Also a Star
Box Brown: Tetris
E.K. Johnston: Spindle
E.K. Johnston: Star Wars Ashoka
Margaret Stohl: Black Widow Red Vengeance (A Black Widow Novel)
Liz Braswell: As Old As Time: A Twisted Tale
Maggie Thrash: We Know It Was You (Strange Truth)
Conor McCreery: Assassin’s Creed Vol 2: Setting Sun
*Renee Ahdieh: The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn)
Mindy McGinnis: The Female of the Species
Katherine Mcgee: The Thousandth Floor
Maria Dhavana Headley: Aerie (Magonia)
Kimberly McCreight: The Outliers
*Victoria Aveyard: Glass Sword (Red Queen)
Lauren Gibaldi: Autofocus
Carolyn Cohagan: Time Zero
Rachel Cohn: Twelve Days of Dash and Lily
M-E Girard: Girl Mans Up
Kara Thomas: The Darkest Corners
Molly Booth: Saving HamletGeoffrey Philp: Garvey’s Ghost

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